Q & A

Where did you come up with the name SOMA Concepts & Solutions?
SOMA is the acronym for South Main, which is an area of Vancouver, British Columbia. SOMA is one of the oldest areas of Vancouver, and has rich historical significance. Currently, SOMA is enjoying an exciting resurgence. The area is edgy, creative and inspiring, yet it was built on a solid foundation, filled with passion and history. This is where SOMA’s Managing Director, Kari Kylo, lived when the company was first launched. She loved the energy of the area, and was drawn to the name. As a result, SOMA Concepts & Solutions became the name of her marketing company.

How long have you been in business?
Since January of 2007.

What are your main business areas of focus?
Strategic marketing planning and development. Advertsing. Creative Design. Event management. Public relations. Publishing.

What kind of budget does my organization need to implement an effective marketing plan?
Don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will provide you with a complimentary initial consultation where we can review your corporate goals, and review what kind of marketing strategy makes sense to ensure you reach your objectives. With this information, we can provide you with a preliminary idea of your marketing budget should look like.

What does a well-developed marketing plan consist of?
A good marketing plan should reveal a detailed understanding of the organization: its history, competition, target market, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The overall sales and marketing goal must be defined, and the measurable objectives listed. The strategy provides a detailed overview as to how the objectives will be achieved. The tactical execution needs to be developed with precision, as this is where the plan is critical to success. Finally, the budget should be line-itemed, and a critical timeline defined. If your marketing plan encompasses all of this, you are off to a good start. If it doesn’t, stop whatever you are doing, and go back to plan development. We are available to help you in this area.

If you don’t know where you are going, you will never get there.

What makes SOMA Concepts & Solutions different from other advertising agencies and marketing consultants?
Our clients receive extensive one-on-one time with us as we explore and develop their overall plan. We will always go the extra mile in order for our clients to succeed. Our clients receive significant return on their investment, and we are dedicated to exceeding our customers’ highest expectations.

What is your favourite quote?
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”  — Albert Einstein